There was once a soldier who wanted to fight in a war. He was happy when he was deployed to a fortress in the middle of the desert where the Tartars were constantly battling. However, when he got there, there was no war. The time came for him to be discharged and the soldier decided to stay in the desert so he could still wait for the war. He waited and waited. The war eventually came, but then he was already too old to fight in it.
I love this story from Dino Buzatti from his book The Tartar Steppe. How many of us spend our lives waiting for something special to happen, to get the job of our dreams, experience pleasures that we always longed for? Ah, one day I will do this and that – we promise ourselves. Ah, if only I had the time I would do this and that – we complain. And life passes, and we keep waiting for the perfect opportunity.
When we are young, the grownups usually ask us what we want to do when we grow up. When we grow up, we continue asking ourselves the same question and still don’t have an answer for it. Why do we need to wait for the special occasion, why can’t we go and do what our heart wishes for? Is it because we feel guilty when we dare to be happy? Is it because we are afraid of failure if we try to accomplish our dreams? Whenever the reason, we stay where we are, paralyzed, wishing and waiting, postponing the moments of happiness…
My aunt one day sent me a beautiful power point presentation about a man who was climbing a mountain and got stuck in the middle of a snowstorm. He was attached to a rope, but he felt that he was falling into an abyss. Out of desperation, he cried for God to help him. God told him to let go of the rope. But he couldn’t. He didn’t have enough faith. The following day he was found dead, a few feet from the safety of the ground. How many of us can really let go of the rope, have faith to follow our heart and fight for what we believe to be our destiny?
Sometimes I wonder about these people who change completely their lives, quitting a good job as an executive of a big company to work for a non-profit organization and start all over without any money. What surprises me, is that they always say that yes, they were scared to death. But still, they had the courage to make the change.
Today I was walking in Newtown and saw a cute pink house with rocking chairs on the front porch. One day I would love to be sitting there, admiring the calm street, the few pedestrians, and listening to the birds singing on the trees. But, even though the house was so beautiful, I would hate to be sitting at the porch just waiting for my life to start.
I love this story from Dino Buzatti from his book The Tartar Steppe. How many of us spend our lives waiting for something special to happen, to get the job of our dreams, experience pleasures that we always longed for? Ah, one day I will do this and that – we promise ourselves. Ah, if only I had the time I would do this and that – we complain. And life passes, and we keep waiting for the perfect opportunity.
When we are young, the grownups usually ask us what we want to do when we grow up. When we grow up, we continue asking ourselves the same question and still don’t have an answer for it. Why do we need to wait for the special occasion, why can’t we go and do what our heart wishes for? Is it because we feel guilty when we dare to be happy? Is it because we are afraid of failure if we try to accomplish our dreams? Whenever the reason, we stay where we are, paralyzed, wishing and waiting, postponing the moments of happiness…
My aunt one day sent me a beautiful power point presentation about a man who was climbing a mountain and got stuck in the middle of a snowstorm. He was attached to a rope, but he felt that he was falling into an abyss. Out of desperation, he cried for God to help him. God told him to let go of the rope. But he couldn’t. He didn’t have enough faith. The following day he was found dead, a few feet from the safety of the ground. How many of us can really let go of the rope, have faith to follow our heart and fight for what we believe to be our destiny?
Sometimes I wonder about these people who change completely their lives, quitting a good job as an executive of a big company to work for a non-profit organization and start all over without any money. What surprises me, is that they always say that yes, they were scared to death. But still, they had the courage to make the change.
Today I was walking in Newtown and saw a cute pink house with rocking chairs on the front porch. One day I would love to be sitting there, admiring the calm street, the few pedestrians, and listening to the birds singing on the trees. But, even though the house was so beautiful, I would hate to be sitting at the porch just waiting for my life to start.
Era uma vez um soldado que sonhava em lutar numa guerra. O soldado ficou muito feliz quando foi mandado para uma fortaleza no meio do deserto onde os tártaros estavam constantemente lutando. No entanto, quando chegou lá, não havia guerra nenhuma. O tempo passou e chegou a hora de ele voltar para casa. O soldado não quis ir, pois tinha decidido que iria esperar a guerra. Esperou e esperou. Um dia a guerra foi finalmente declarada. Mas o soldado já era muito velho para lutar nela.
Adoro essa história de Dino Buzatti do livro O Deserto Dos Tártaros. Quantos de nós não passamos nossas vidas à espera de alguma coisa especial, como arrumar o emprego dos nossos sonhos, viver experiências que nunca ousamos experimentar? Ah, um dia vou fazer isso e aquilo – prometemos a nós mesmos. Ah, só se eu tivesse tempo faria isso e aquilo - nos queixamos. E a vida passa, e continuamos esperando o momento perfeito...
Quando somos crianças, os adultos geralmente nos perguntam o que queremos fazer quando crescer. Quando crescemos, continuamos nos perguntando a mesma coisa e ainda não temos uma resposta. Por que precisamos esperar pela ocasião especial, por que não podemos ir e fazer o que nosso coração tanto deseja? Será por que nos sentimos culpados quando nos atrevemos a ser felizes? Será por que temos medo de fracassar se tentarmos realizar nossos sonhos? Seja qual for a razão, acabamos ficando onde estamos, paralisados, desejando e esperando, adiando os momentos de felicidade.
Minha tia um dia me mandou uma apresentação de power point sobre um homem que estava escalando uma montanha e foi surpreendido por uma tempestade de neve. Mesmo estando amarrado a uma corda, o homem sentiu que estava despencando num abismo. Desesperado, implorou a Deus que o ajudasse. Deus lhe disse para largar a corda. Mas o homem não podia. Não tinha fé suficiente. No dia seguinte, foi encontrado morto, a poucos metros do chão. Quantos de nós temos coragem para largar a corda, ter fé para seguir nosso coração e lutar por aquilo que desejamos?
Às vezes penso sobre essas pessoas que mudam suas vidas completamente, deixando um bom emprego como executivo de uma grande empresa para trabalhar para uma organização sem fins lucrativos, e começar tudo de novo sem dinheiro. O que me surpreende, é que eles sempre admitem que estavam morrendo de medo. Mas mesmo assim, tiveram coragem para largar a corda, para mudar a vida.
Hoje estava andando em Newtown e vi uma casa linda cor de rosa, com cadeiras de balanço e uma varanda na frente. Um dia gostaria de estar sentada ali, admirando a rua calma, as pessoas que passassem, ouvindo os pássaros cantando nas árvores. Mas, mesmo que a casa fosse tão bonita, odiaria estar sentada na varanda, só esperando minha vida começar.
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