Where do the stories come from? Sometimes my head is full of them. Sometimes it is empty and I fear that I won’t ever be able to tell a story again. The stories have been with me since I was a child so I should know, by now, that they will always come back. But there is always the dread that that was the last time, the last story of my life.
I am a story thief. If someone tells me just one word that I find interesting, that word might give birth to a story. I hear about one dwarf passing by, and he becomes a dwarf chasing a woman in a hotel with a sword. I see a painting that I admire, and there comes a story about a woman who fell in love with a painting but couldn’t ever love a man. I see someone running on a beach, and I imagine writing a story about a woman escaping from the husband who she never had. I dream with a babysitter scolding a child, and I imagine a story about a mother who fed her daughter only crumbs of life.
When my daughter was young, she begged me to tell her stories from my mouth. Not from a book, but from my mouth like she said. And I would tell her a story about a girl who put all her worries in a heavy bag, dragged the bag to a canoe, and paddled almost to the end of the ocean. There, she threw the bag in the sea to get rid of her worries. There was also a story about monkey Simon. He had his special song, which I had composed only for him. Monkey Simon was full of mischief and would always be hanging from a tree, making fun of everybody.
I can tell you a story today. Do you want to hear? Once upon a time a woman met a tree that was very vain. In the winter, the tree dressed only in white. In the spring, she favored light green. In the summer, she could be seen in dark shades of green. And in the autumn, she dressed herself in a profusion of colors, from yellow to orange to brown and so many mid-tones in between. The tree invited the woman to sit on her lap. With her branches, she combed the woman's hair. With her leaves, she made the wind blow a soft kiss on the woman’s face. Then, she whispered to the woman many stories about a time when the trees would talk and the human beings would listen to them. A time where all lived in peace. The woman felt her heart becoming larger and larger. And when she went home, her soul was full of stories.
I am a story thief. If someone tells me just one word that I find interesting, that word might give birth to a story. I hear about one dwarf passing by, and he becomes a dwarf chasing a woman in a hotel with a sword. I see a painting that I admire, and there comes a story about a woman who fell in love with a painting but couldn’t ever love a man. I see someone running on a beach, and I imagine writing a story about a woman escaping from the husband who she never had. I dream with a babysitter scolding a child, and I imagine a story about a mother who fed her daughter only crumbs of life.
When my daughter was young, she begged me to tell her stories from my mouth. Not from a book, but from my mouth like she said. And I would tell her a story about a girl who put all her worries in a heavy bag, dragged the bag to a canoe, and paddled almost to the end of the ocean. There, she threw the bag in the sea to get rid of her worries. There was also a story about monkey Simon. He had his special song, which I had composed only for him. Monkey Simon was full of mischief and would always be hanging from a tree, making fun of everybody.
I can tell you a story today. Do you want to hear? Once upon a time a woman met a tree that was very vain. In the winter, the tree dressed only in white. In the spring, she favored light green. In the summer, she could be seen in dark shades of green. And in the autumn, she dressed herself in a profusion of colors, from yellow to orange to brown and so many mid-tones in between. The tree invited the woman to sit on her lap. With her branches, she combed the woman's hair. With her leaves, she made the wind blow a soft kiss on the woman’s face. Then, she whispered to the woman many stories about a time when the trees would talk and the human beings would listen to them. A time where all lived in peace. The woman felt her heart becoming larger and larger. And when she went home, her soul was full of stories.
You see, stories are like that. They come out of nowhere. Their only purpose is to enchant us and make us realize that the world would be too dull without them. We can’t live only on reality. From time to time we need to escape to the world of our imagination so we can recharge our hearts and our spirits.
De onde é que as histórias vêm? Às vezes, minha cabeça está cheia deles. Às vezes está vazia e tenho medo de que nunca mais serei capaz de contar uma história. As histórias me acompanham desde minha infância e eu já deveria saber que elas vão e voltam. Mas sempre há o receio de que essa foi a última vez que escrevi, que essa era a última história que eu tinha para contar.
Eu sou uma ladra de histórias. Se alguém me diz uma só palavra que acho interessante, essa palavra pode dar origem a uma história. Ouço alguém falar de um anão que estava passando pela rua e ele se transforma num anão com uma espada na mão, perseguindo uma mulher no corredor de um hotel. Vejo um quadro que admiro, e lá vem uma história sobre uma mulher que se apaixonou por um quadro, mas que não podia jamais amar um homem. Vejo alguém correndo pela praia e imagino uma história sobre uma mulher fugindo de um marido que ela nunca teve. Sonho com uma babá xingando uma criança, e imagino uma história sobre uma mãe que alimentava a filha com migalhas de vida.
Quando minha filha era pequena, ela costumava pedir que eu lhe contasse histórias da minha boca. Não de um livro, mas de minha boca como ela dizia para explicar que queria ouvir as histórias que eu inventava. E eu lhe contava uma história sobre uma menina que colocava todos os seus medos num saco bem pesado, arrastava o saco até uma canoa, colocava o saco na canoa e remava quase até o fim do oceano. Lá, ela jogava o saco no mar e se livrava de todos os seus problemas... Havia também a história do macaco Simão. Ele tinha uma música especial, que eu tinha composto para ele. Macaco Simão era muito danado e passava a vida pendurado numa árvore, caçoando de todo mundo.
Eu poderia lhe contar uma história. Quer ouvir? Há muitos anos uma mulher conheceu uma árvore que era muito vaidosa. No inverno, a árvore vestia-se apenas de branco. Na primavera, ela preferia um verde clarinho. No verão, era sempre vista usando verde escuro. E no outono, ela se enfeitava com uma profusão de cores, indo do laranja ao amarelo, passando pelo marrom e tantos outros semi-tons. A árvore convidou a mulher para se sentar no seu colo. Com seus galhos, ela penteou o cabelo da mulher. Com suas folhas, ela fez o vento soprar um beijo suave no rosto da mulher. Então, ela sussurrou para a mulher muitas histórias sobre uma época em que as árvores falavam e os seres humanos podiam ouvi-las. Um tempo em que todos viviam em paz. A mulher sentiu seu coração ficar mais e mais cheio. E quando ela chegou em casa, sua alma estava povoada com histórias.
Você vê, as histórias são assim. Eles saem do nada. A sua única finalidade é de encantar-nos e fazer-nos perceber que o mundo seria muito monótono sem elas. Não podemos viver apenas na realidade. De vez em quando temos de escapar para o mundo da nossa imaginação, para que possamos recarregar nossos corações e nossos espíritos.
Muito lindo, tia.
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