I walked slowly to the place where I was going to meet him, afraid of what I would find. I hadn’t seen him in a while. Would he look different? Would he still welcome me? With him, I never knew what to expect. Sometimes he was in a mood for singing and would enchant me and make me fall in love all over again. Sometimes he was tranquil and silent, and I could sit by his side and stay there for hours, in peace with the world and with myself. Sometimes he was violent, tempestuous, and I kept a certain distance although I could never completely escape his attraction.
We had met in so many places of the world… In each place he would choose a different name, but I would always recognize him. In Budapest, he was Danube. In Paris, he was Seine. In New York, he was Hudson. In Corumbá, he was Paraguay. In Manaus, he wanted to be called Amazonas.
The rivers of the world are the lovers of my life. They are all different yet somehow the same: always running from one place to another, always changing their mood, always indifferent to the people around them who admire their beauty.
I never learned his name in Aguas Calientes, Peru. When I got to the town, the river was peaceful and silent. I went out to do some sightseeing and when I got back to the hotel to take a nap, the entire room started to shake. I ran to the window, afraid of an earthquake. Fire sirens sounded close by. I ran down to the hotel-lobby and was told that there was a flood: the river had swollen and become violent after one week of torrential rains. We were supposed to evacuate to a high place in town. Before I followed the other travelers to safety, I couldn’t resist going and taking a look at him. The river, that had been so tranquil in the morning, was dark and sweeping everything in his way. He was red with mud and anger. My gentle lover was exploding, ready to kill.
I was in his arms in Thailand, and he embraced me gently while I glided on a flat bamboo boat guided by a man who respected the silence of the place. The river was like a mirror, reflecting the trees above him and by his side. He was quiet, letting the birds do all the talking.
Today I met him again, and once more we recognized each other. He told me that he wanted to be called Neshaminy. He whispered me his secrets and I whispered mine to him. Then we were enveloped by the silence and stayed there in harmony, just thinking
Caminhei lentamente para o lugar onde iria encontrá-lo, com medo do que estaria esperando por mim. Fazia muito tempo que não nos víamos. Será que ele estaria diferente? Será que ainda me receberia de braços abertos? Com ele, eu nunca sabia o que esperar. Às vezes, ele estava inspirado para cantar e me seduzir com sua bela voz, fazendo com que me apaixonasse novamente e perdidamente por ele. Às vezes, estava tranquilo e silencioso, e eu podia sentar ao seu lado e ficar horas em paz com o mundo e comigo mesma. Às vezes ele era violento, tempestuoso, e eu preferia guardar uma certa distância, embora nunca conseguisse escapar totalmente à sua atração.
Nós nos encontramos em tantos lugares do mundo ... Em cada lugar ele escolhia um nome diferente, mas eu sempre o reconhecia. Em Budapeste, ele se chamava Danúbio. Em Paris, Sena. Em Nova York, Hudson. Em Corumbá, Paraguai. Em Manaus, Amazonas.
Os rios do mundo são os amantes da minha vida. São todos diferentes mas, de alguma maneira, são sempre o mesmo: sempre correndo de um lugar para outro, sempre mudando de humor, sempre indiferente às pessoas que admiram a sua beleza.
Nunca soube o nome dele em Águas Calientes, Peru. Quando cheguei à cidade, o rio estava calmo e silencioso. Saí para passear e quando voltei ao hotel para dar uma descansada, o quarto inteiro começou a tremer. Corri para a janela, com medo de um terremoto. As sirenes dos carros de bombeiros soavam por perto. Corri para a entrada do hotel e fiquei sabendo que havia uma inundação: o rio tinha crescido e se tornado violento após uma semana de chuvas torrenciais. Teríamos que procurar refúgio num lugar alto da cidade. Antes que eu seguisse os outros viajantes para um lugar seguro, não pude resistir e fui dar uma olhada. O rio, tão tranquilo de manhã, tinha se tornado escuro, varrendo tudo que encontrasse pelo caminho. Estava vermelho com lama e raiva. Meu doce amante estava explodindo, pronto para matar.
Estive em seus braços na Tailândia, e ele abraçou-me suavemente, enquanto eu deslizava sobre suas águas numa balsa de bambu, conduzida por um tailandês que respeitava o silêncio do lugar. O rio era como um espelho, refletindo as árvores acima e ao lado dele. Calmo, ele deixava que os passarinhos cantassem e encantassem.
Hoje eu o vi novamente e, mais uma vez, nós nos reconhecemos. Ele me disse que queria ser chamado Neshaminy. Sussurrou-me seus segredos e eu sussurrei os meus. Então fomos envolvidos pelo silêncio e ficamos juntos em harmonia, só pensando.
I doubt I will ever look at a river in the same way again. You have given the old man life, and he'll just keep rolling along, a big smile on his face.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful! I have a similar relationship with rivers and seas. That's why it is so difficult for me living in a city without rivers or seas ...