Last week, I had the
opportunity to fly to Los Angeles, CA to visit my daughter, her husband and my
grandson. I was very excited with the idea of meeting my 2 months old grandson.
I was also curious about seeing West Hollywood and Beverly Hills – the city of
the famous and the wannabes – considering that my daughter’s apartment was only
one block from the coveted town where many Hollywood stars live. The first
opportunity I had, I got her dog and crossed to the next block to walk in
Beverly Hills, wondering if I would see any movie star.
Although the houses of
the very famous are located on the Hills, the houses on the street I was going
to walk were still big, for sure worth more than 1 million each, with
immaculate gardens and fancy cars parked in front of them. Right after I
crossed the street, I looked at the house on my left, with a very nice garden,
and saw a chicken grazing on the grass. A chicken in Beverly Hills? I thought I
was imagining things. This couldn’t be possible. Maybe it was a mechanical
chicken, designed by Steven Spielberg just to insert a sense of normalcy in the
wealthy neighborhood. But the dog was giving all the signs that that was, in
fact, a real chicken, getting ready to chase it… I looked again and confirmed,
yes, that was no movie star; just a normal chicken grazing on the front yard of
a fancy house. One never knows what we can find in life…
My walk took me through
beautiful streets, lined with palm and other kinds of trees, houses full of
flowers and perfect landscape. The weather was warm for the winter (about 65
degrees Fahrenheit) and very sunny, so different from the East Coast of the US
with it very cold weather and cloudy skies. I saw many Spanish workers tending
the gardens, people leaving their houses in their expensive BMW or jaguars, but
nobody else walking on the streets.
I also took a walk in
West Hollywood, another popular destination of movie starts. My daughter showed
me a restaurant where, supposedly, the movie starts like to eat and where the paparazzi
are always waiting for them. But considering that it was 9:45am and the stars
need their beauty sleep, there was no one in sign. I did see Cedar Sinar, the
hospital where the starts go when they have any health problems, a fancy mall in
which none of the store windows displayed the prices, and streets with a very
vibrant commerce. Overall, I had the feeling that I was in Ipanema, the fancy
neighborhood of Rio de Janeiro where calm streets with big apartments mix with
busy commercial streets.
Aside going out to
dinner and to visit the LACMA museum in LA, my daughter, her baby and I went to
the outside market of Beverly Hills. The market was a far cry from the noisy
markets in Brazil or in France. It was small and very family oriented, with
ponies giving rides to small children and a small petting zoo with goats, ducks
and chicken. A band played on a corner. The customers walked around, dressed in
casual clothes. Nothing could be more normal than that.
I didn’t go see the
Hills with its enormous houses or tried any of the bus tour that would take me
to the fashionable boulevards of Santa Monica or Rodeo Driving. But West
Hollywood and Beverly Hills seemed like any other affluent neighborhood of the
US. I came home asking myself why we always think that the lives of the famous
are so fascinating. They all take their kids to school, shop in the outside
markets, and do everything else like us, mere mortals. I didn’t see any movie star wondering around
and, in all honesty, even if I had seen I would not have recognized them,
considering that I never watch TV and I have a horrible memory for faces. The
trip was fine the way it was: an encounter with my family, in a place with warm
weather and lots of tranquility. Hollywood’s glamour would have nothing to add
to that sense of peace and happiness.
O outro lado de Beverly Hills
Embora as casas dos mais famosos estejam localizadas nos morros adjacentes a Beverlly Hills, as casas da rua na qual eu ia andar ainda eram grandes, com certeza custando mais de 1 milhão de dólares cada uma, com jardins imaculados e carros de luxo estacionados na frente. Logo depois que atravessei a rua, olhei para a casa do meu lado esquerdo, com um jardim muito bonito, e viu uma galinha passeando no gramado. Uma galinha em Beverly Hills? Pensei que estivesse imaginando coisas. Não podia ser verdade. Talvez fosse uma galinha mecânica, desenhada por Steven Spielberg apenas para causar uma impressão de normalidade naquele bairro rico. Mas o cachorro estava dando todos os sinais de que aquela era, de fato, uma galinha real, preparando-se para correr atrás dela ... Olhei novamente e confirmei: sim, aquela não era uma estrela de cinema, era apenas uma galinha normal, no jardim de frente de um casa chique. Nunca se sabe o que vamos encontrar na vida ...
Minha caminhada me levou pelas ruas bonitas, adornadas com palmeiras e outros tipos de árvores, casas cheias de flores e paisagismos perfeitos. O clima estava quente para o inverno (mais ou menos 18 graus Celcium), ensolarado, tão diferente da costa leste dos EUA com seu tempo frio e céu nublado. Vi muitos mexicanos trabalhando nos jardins, pessoas deixando suas casas em BMW ou Jaguars caros, mas ninguém andando nas ruas.
Também dei um passeio em West Hollywood, outro lugar popular entre as estrelas de cinema. Minha filha me mostrou um restaurante, supostamente frequentado por atores e atrizes, com paparazzi sempre a espreita. Considerando-se que era 9:45 da manhã e os astros cinematográficos precisam de seu sono de beleza, não havia ninguém. Mas eu vi o Cedar Sinar, o hospital onde os famosos são admitidos quando têm algum problema de saúde, um shopping center onde nenhuma das vitrines tinha nenhum preço para as mercadorias, e ruas com um comércio muito vibrante. Em geral, tive a sensação de que estava em Ipanema, o bairro chique do Rio de Janeiro, onde as ruas calmas com apartamentos grandes se intercalam com movimentadas ruas comerciais.
Além de sair para jantar e visitar o museu LACMA em Los Angeles, minha filha, seu bebê e eu fomos a uma feira livre em Beverly Hills. A feira não lembrava nem de longe as feiras barulhentas do Brasil ou da França. Era pequena e orientada para as famílias, com pôneis para as criançinhas montarem e um pequeno zoológico com cabras, patos e galinhas. Uma banda tocava num canto. Os consumidores faziam suas compras, vestidos com roupas casuais. Nada poderia ser mais normal.
Não fui ver as colinas com casas colossais nem fiz qualquer excursão nos ônibus que me levariam para as avenidas de moda de Santa Monica ou Rodeo Drive. De maneira geral, achei que West Hollywood e Beverly Hills se pareciam com qualquer outro bairro chique dos EUA. Cheguei em casa me perguntando por que a gente sempre acha que a vida dos famosos é tão fascinante. Todos eles levam seus filhos para a escola, frequentam feiras livres, e fazem tudo como nós, meros mortais. Não vi nenhuma estrela de cinema passeando por lá e, com toda a honestidade, mesmo que tivesse visto não teria reconhecido já que nunca assisto TV e tenho uma memória péssima para rostos. A viagem foi ótima do jeito que foi: um encontro com a minha família, num lugar com clima quente e muita tranquilidade. O glamour de Hollywood não teria nada a acrescentar a essa sensação de paz e felicidade.
Lindas fotos. Excelente reportagem e interessante!dezzz..viajeiiii....
ReplyDeleteObrigada, Silvana. Bjs
ReplyDeleteExcelente reportagem....
Obrigada, Fernando. Abracos.
ReplyDeletemuto bom,